payment plugin email confirmations

1 month ago

Just finishing a payment plugin however there is no email confirmations being generated. I'd assume when I set the payment status to 'paid' the appropriate email would be sent.

Is that a specific task I have to call in the plugin or should these notifications be generated based on say the the payment status?

1 month ago
there is an email template OrderPaid.CustomerNotification
check whether the OrderPaid event is firing or not.
it should send an email if this template is active.
1 month ago
Hi, its not firing, hence this post.

However digging around I see there is this method OrderProcessingService.MarkOrderAsPaidAsync() that internally calls ProcessOrderPaidAsync() and looking at the code for that it appears there is where the email notifications are generated.

I'll give that a go and see if it sorted.
1 month ago
You can look at example
public async Task HandleWebhookAsync
                    case "completed":
                                await _orderProcessingService.MarkOrderAsPaidAsync(order);