Cannot hide Credit Card details.

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12 Jahre weitere
Hi all,

A few of our customers have complained that they don't want to use Paypal, so we've been testing 'Credit card - Manual Processing' as a payment option.

We've had an order come through and used our card terminal and taken the payment.
I've manually marked the order as paid.

I had heard that once you click 'Mark As Paid' then all the credit card details should disappear except the last 4 card digits.

I can still see their full card number, expirary date, security code...

We have an obligation with our bank that we destroy all records of card details after we have used them.

I have noticed that the order status is set to 'Processing'.

Could someone more knowledgable please advise on how to continue?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

12 Jahre weitere
1. 'Credit card - Manual Processing' payment method is the only method which stores credit cart information. You need some customization in order to purge it.

2. Order status is set to 'Processing' because you marked a payment as paid, but did not shipped it yet. It'll become 'complete' once it's 'Paid' and 'Shipped' and 'Delivered'
12 Jahre weitere
Thank you

What customization needs to take place?
12 Jahre weitere
There several places. Have a look at OrderProcessingService class.
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