Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)

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11 Jahre weitere
theonlylawislove wrote:
I am loving the conversation and just wanted to put in my 2 cents worth.

I highly recommend using twitter bootstrap (changing the markup to conform). The new design shouldn't be just css. We need an html refactor.

I am not recommending we create a "Twitter" looking site. We should use the framework (which is OOTB responsive!) and create a custom theme (variables.less) on top of it.

Here are a few things I have been doing with it lately.

nopCommerce would become VERY popular if this would happen. Twitter Bootstrap is growing very popular and the fan base is very loyal and there would be many "biased" decisions to choose nopCommerce over the competition.

Might I add, if we go down this route, I could help a great deal. I am very familiar with the framework.

It sounds great! Couldn't it be done with a/some fork(s) supported by some willing members of the community as suggested here?
11 Jahre weitere
Please also test RTL (right-to-left) theme. You can enable it by choosing "Some RTL language" in the appropriate dropdownlist on the demo site. Just ensure that "Right-to-left" is enabled on the language details page in admin area if you're running the site locally.

P.S. Online demo of RTL is not available any more. Install it locally in order to get it
11 Jahre weitere
RTL test -
1. the arrow in popolar tags is in the opposite direction
2. the count in the wishlist and shooping cart looks bad - "(Wishlist (0"
3. Shipping Method looks bad (like point 2) - "(By Air ($0.00"
4. Payment Method looks bad (like point 2,3)

and relevant to RTL and LTR -
5. in Confirm Order, there should be an empty line between the addresses and Payment/Shipping Method (this is something i saw in 2.70 also)
6. H1 and H2 are not defined very good in some pages, look at this post -
11 Jahre weitere
shayt wrote:
3. Shipping Method looks bad (like point 2) - "(By Air ($0.00"
4. Payment Method looks bad (like point 2,3)

Could anybody please help with fixing these two issues?
11 Jahre weitere
a.m. wrote:
3. Shipping Method looks bad (like point 2) - "(By Air ($0.00"
4. Payment Method looks bad (like point 2,3)
Could anybody please help with fixing these two issues?

\Views\Checkout\OpcShippingMethods.cshtml line 15

<label for="shippingoption_@(i)">@shippingMethod.Name (@shippingMethod.Fee)</label>

replace with

<label for="shippingoption_@(i)">@shippingMethod.Name <span dir="rtl">(@shippingMethod.Fee)</span></label>
11 Jahre weitere
When logged in the Administration link is centered at the very top of the page and not in line with the other header links is this right?

I´m using the latest changeset 3bf2c8c30d89 on a local installation and I have danish language installed.
11 Jahre weitere
TCH wrote:
When logged in the Administration link is centered at the very top of the page and not in line with the other header links is this right?

11 Jahre weitere
Godji wrote:
...<span dir="rtl">...

It should be done using CSS only. RTL should not be hard-coded in HTML
11 Jahre weitere
Hi Again.
I want ask you again about "What is the difference between Address and Shipping" ?
Why did you create separate pages for it?
11 Jahre weitere
Today I tested using the bootstrap.
I can not be completed in one day.

Download a sample at
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