No terms and Condiotn text in shopping cart summary?????

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11 Jahre weitere

I have the Terms & Conditions checkbox cheked in the dashboard but the text for terms and conditions is not showing apart from this (read) the only thing i have changed is the Topic title name to: Terms & Conditions and the system name to: TermsAndConditions in the topics section of the dashboard, am i missing something?

Code from OrderSummary.cshtml (changes made are in italic below:

            <div class="totals">
                @Html.Action("OrderTotals", "ShoppingCart", new { isEditable = Model.IsEditable })
                @if (Model.IsEditable)
                    <div class="clear">
                    if (Model.TermsOfServiceEnabled)
                    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                        function accepttermsofservice() {
                            if (!$('#termsofservice').is(':checked')) {
                                return false;
                                return true;
                    <div id="terms-of-service-warning-box" title="@T("Checkout.TermsOfService")" style="display:none;">
                    <div class="terms-of-service">
                        <input id="termsofservice" type="checkbox" name="termsofservice" />
                        @*uncomment below to how simple pop-up*@
<span class="read" onclick="javascript:OpenWindow('@Url.RouteUrl("TopicPopup", new { SystemName = "termsandconditions" })', 450, 500, true)">@T("Checkout.TermsOfService.Read")</span>

                        @*use fancybox to how nice pop-up*@
                        <a class="read" href='@Url.RouteUrl("TopicPopup", new { SystemName = "conditionsofUse" })'>@T("Checkout.TermsOfService.Read")</a>
                        <script type="text/javascript">
                            $(".terms-of-service .read").fancybox({
                                'speedIn': 600,
                                'speedOut': 200,
                                'width': 450,
                                'height': 500,
                                'type': 'iframe',
                                'centerOnScroll': true
                    <div class="clear">
                    <div class="checkout-buttons">
                        @if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MinOrderSubtotalWarning))
                            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                                        function startcheckout() {
                                            //terms of services
                                            var termOfServiceOk = true;
                                            @if (Model.TermsOfServiceEnabled)
                                                termOfServiceOk = accepttermsofservice();
                                            if (termOfServiceOk)
                            <input type="submit" name="checkout" value="@T("Checkout.Button")" id="checkout" class="button-1 checkout-button" onclick="startcheckout()" />
                    <div class="addon-buttons">
                        @*Payment method buttons (e.g. GoogleCheckoutButton, Paypal Express)*@
                        @Html.Partial("_ButtonPaymentMethod", Model)
11 Jahre weitere
in the language resources, have you deleted the text value of


out of the box, it reads

I agree with the terms of service and I adhere to them unconditionally
11 Jahre weitere
haydie wrote:
in the language resources, have you deleted the text value of


out of the box, it reads

I agree with the terms of service and I adhere to them unconditionally

Hi Haydie,

Thank you for the reply, yes that info is in the Language string resource and in the db, strange.

11 Jahre weitere
why not try unzipping a fresh install and copying ALL the contents of


form it into your current


maybe you deleted something in it by mistake ?
11 Jahre weitere
haydie wrote:
why not try unzipping a fresh install and copying ALL the contents of


form it into your current


maybe you deleted something in it by mistake ?


Not deleted anything only changed the SystemName = "termsandconditions"

<span class="read" onclick="javascript:OpenWindow('@Url.RouteUrl("TopicPopup", new { SystemName = "termsandconditions" })', 450, 500, true)">@T("Checkout.TermsOfService.Read")</span>

have not changed any of the order or cart pages, i only noticed it by changing the look of the store by the way of colour changes.
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