Feature request: Different favicon per store (Multistore)

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10 Jahre weitere

At this moment it seems it's not possible to set a different favicon per store, except to edit the _Root.Head.cshtml file.

We think it would be a nice feature to have support for this function in the store settings?

I've also created a request in codeplex here: https://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/workitem/11736
Votes are welcome :-)

Thanks in advance,
10 Jahre weitere
Thanks. But it's already done in the upcoming 3.20
10 Jahre weitere
That's awsome news, thank you!

10 Jahre weitere

Where can we setup mutiple favicons in 3.20?
10 Jahre weitere
Just upload a favicon-{0}.ico file where {0} is your store ID. If such file doesn't exist, then the default one will be used - favicon.ico
10 Jahre weitere
Great. Thanks for prompt reaction
10 Jahre weitere
Is it possible to change the logo of each store (with the same theme) in a similar way, please?
10 Jahre weitere
10 Jahre weitere
a.m. wrote:
Just upload a favicon-{0}.ico file where {0} is your store ID. If such file doesn't exist, then the default one will be used - favicon.ico

We are running 3.20 with multiple stores.  Can this be changed or managed from the admin panel or does it need to be hard coded into the back end? Thanks.
10 Jahre weitere
stonewall wrote:
We are running 3.20 with multiple stores.  Can this be changed or managed from the admin panel or does it need to be hard coded into the back end? Thanks.

No. You have to manually rename and upload new favicon-{store_id}.ico files using FTP
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