Alignment on product page

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15 Jahre weitere

I have noticed, at least with my image sizes, that the 'Email a friend', 'Add to Compare list' and 'Product Variant' fields do not display properly in Internet Explorer.
They look fine in Firefox and sit underneath the picture, but in IE they are to the right of the picture and widen the page.

I cannot for the life of me find the code to amend this in the source.

Any ideas which file I can find this code?


15 Jahre weitere
Templates\Products\VariantsInGridWithoutTabs.ascx and Templates\Products\VariantsInGridWithTabs.ascx
15 Jahre weitere

I've made a modification which splits the div, causing the buttons and the infobox to seperate.

<div style="position: relative; float: left; width: 100%">
    <nopCommerce:ProductCategoryBreadcrumb ID="ctrlProductCategoryBreadcrumb" runat="server">
    <br />
    <nopCommerce:ProductInfo ID="ctrlProductInfo" runat="server"></nopCommerce:ProductInfo>
<div style="position: relative; float: left; width: 100%">
    <nopCommerce:ProductRating ID="ctrlProductRating" runat="server"></nopCommerce:ProductRating>

Then in Modules/Products/ProductInfo.ascx to stop the product info text from being on the left of the picture, I changed

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="left">

to be

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">

The reason that I needed this is because my images are all very large, >400px, and although it looked fine in Firefox, all other browsers (IE, Safari, Chrome) were cramming everything to the right hand side of the photo, which was most often actually out of the main div area.

15 Jahre weitere
nate, you might consider to use thumbnails to display in the product page and display the original one when the user hovers over the picture, or clicks.
15 Jahre weitere
Hi Amiga,

Thanks for the tip. I've decided to implement lightbox ( on the product pages, it's looking good.
I just need to normalise all of the images now (some are odd sizes and so is messing with the look of the thumbnails) and the site is ready to go.

You can see it (with the lightbox implemented) at
15 Jahre weitere
I like that ... so how did you get the lightbox to work ?
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