NopCommerce Kendo Implementation - Technical Info

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6 Jahre weitere
Hi all. I'm a .NET Developer but relativelly new on MVC, Web FrontEnd and Kendo. Used to work more with Windows Forms and Bussines Logic for ERPs. I have investigated in NopCommerce Solution how it is implemented but I'm missing something. Is there any Technical information about how it is implemente in NopCommerce? CSS, JS, Configurations, and references? My NopCommerce Version is 3.90.

I'm starting a new Point of Sales (POS) project to add it to the same solution of NopCommerce. I'm Starting from scratch and want to implement kendoui to keep controls style. I followed this tutorial to implement it but seems like I'm missing Kendo.Mvc.dll reference but I cannot see that dll anywhere in the NopCommerce Version I donwnloaded last week.

When I want to use a simple grid for example I cannot do something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

kendoGrid is not available on the intellisence.

I appreciate any support in advance.
6 Jahre weitere
You can look at any page (View) in the admin site that has a grid and do the same thing
6 Jahre weitere
hi.. I'm talking about implementation, js files, css files, dlls to reference, etc... Could you be more specific with "Do the same thing"?
6 Jahre weitere
There is a few flavors of Kendo (.net MVC, Java, PHP and HTML 5). NopCommerce does not use the MVC wrappers...ergo, Kendo.mvc.dll is not leveraged. Instead, NopCommerce uses the HTML 5 / jquery implementation of Kendo.

The js and css files you need are referenced in one location out of the box. The Admin project -> views/ shared/_adminlayout.cshtml.  Basically, this is the main layout/master for the entire administration project.  That file has all the references you need.

Throughout the admin project, there are many examples of where kendo grid is leveraged. For example, in the admin project, views/product/List.cshtml has one.

6 Jahre weitere
OK.. Thank you very much ChuckR.. So is not like we strictly need both as the link i mentioned states..

I understand now..  Thank you again..

Have a nice day..
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