Digital download based on product attributes selected

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6 Jahre weitere
We have a requirement where we need to have one digital download based on the combination of selected attributes.

As an example, we could have a Human Resource Job description with product attributes of role (Recruiting, Comp, Benefits) and Level (Leader, Management, Entry Level).  The user would select Recruiting and Management and when they checkout it should give them a download of the Recruiting Management job description.

Unfortunately grouped products don't work since they really only allow two levels (parent-child) and this is three levels (Function-Role-Level).  Is there any way to do this or any plugin to assist?

Thanks in advance!
6 Jahre weitere
[email protected] wrote:
We have a requirement where we need to have one digital download based on the combination of selected attributes.

As an example, we could have a Human Resource Job description with product attributes of role (Recruiting, Comp, Benefits) and Level (Leader, Management, Entry Level).  The user would select Recruiting and Management and when they checkout it should give them a download of the Recruiting Management job description.

Unfortunately grouped products don't work since they really only allow two levels (parent-child) and this is three levels (Function-Role-Level).  Is there any way to do this or any plugin to assist?

Thanks in advance!

I think you can do it with a product with conditional product attributes if the number of resulting possible combinations (digital downloads) is not to high . Example:
- For first level (Function) just set a product attribute with all the option. Assume there are two: F1 and F2
- Then for the second level (role) generate one conditional attribute with its 3 values (R1, C1, B1) corresponding to option F1 (if F1 was selected)and another set for F2 (R2, C2, B2)
- Create a single downloadable product unchecking the setting "Visible individually" for each combination of the 3 levels, which in this example are 18 combinations (2 x 3 x 3 =18).
- Then for the 3rd level create a conditional product attribute for each possible result of the 2nd level (R1, C1, B1, R2, C2, B2) with the 3 corresponding possible values and associate each  value to the corresponding downloadable product created in the previous step.

I hope you understand. Firs make a trial with just 2 levels  and less combinations to see if it works
Good luck
6 Jahre weitere
Hi Eduardo, what you present makes sense and I set it up as such but the issue is that when I associate a product to F1-R1 and then the customer buys it, there is no download button available on the order details page even though the  product I associated to it has a download.  

I also tried another approach where I generated all of the possible combinations and added SKUs to the combinations to see if that would work and it did not work.

Ultimately, if the user buys F1-R1 I need the associated product to that combination to be available for download but it looks like it does not work.  Seems like we will need to develop a plugin to make it work.
6 Jahre weitere
You are right. There is a bug: downloadable products cannot be associated to product attributes
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