Customers not showing up in SQL

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12 years ago
I am using ver. 1.9 and SQL management studio 2008. I have customers registering but when i query the customers table in SQL management only 4 are showing up. I have 320 registered users and can export them from nopcommerce into excel through nopcommerce. Why isn't SQL showing all the registered users. I cannot find any similar issue in nopcommerce forums.
12 years ago

I have tried to enter a new customer and it shows up in nopcommerce under customers.
I then open sql management and it still does not show up.
I went to arvixe and backed up and then restored the database.
NO new customers at all.

WHY aren't my new customers showing up in SQL management?
12 years ago
MY Bad. What a moron.

I was using another arvixe account for development.
I migrated the account to a new domain and arvixe account.
The website is still using the development DB.
I need to back up and restore to new arvixe domain and then change web config file to point to use the new DB.
The customers are being added to the old domains DB. DuH.
12 years ago
feel free to delete this thread unless u think others can benefit from it. sorry.
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