Product in multiple categories

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11 years ago

Hope someone can help, I have a store where the same product needs to appear in multiple categories, okay so I know how to add category mappings to a product so it will appear in as many categories as I require.

Here is the issue I want to solve, the nopcommerce by design will do the following :-

Product =  Widget which is to appear in Categories Cat-A and Cat-B

If the product is mapped to Cat-A and Cat-B in that order, then when a customer is viewing products in Cat-B and the customer views the product Widget Details they will view the product details in Cat-A which has moved them to from Cat-B to Cat-A, so if the customer wants continue viewing the products in Cat-B they will need to naviagate back to Cat-B to continue viewing the products in Cat-B.

So can anyone suggest which code would need to be changed to ensure that the customer stays in the category they are viewing when products are mapped to multiple categories.

Or a work around

11 years ago
you need to customize the catalog controller's category bread crumb method. in nop it normally select the first category. there you need to modify the code and mapped to the respective category.
11 years ago
11 years ago
After having read the post on the previous reply I am thinking that I will leave the code as is, due the the possible SEO implications that have been brought up.

I have implemented a bit of a workaround by placing a browser back link in the product details sunmary near the Add To Cart button with a title of Continue Shopping.

Thanks for all you help
11 years ago
Here is how I solved it: var cacheModel = _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey, 0, () => {.
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