A few bugs (and fixes)

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15 years ago
1 - Administration menu does not render correctly in Google Chrome or Safari. This is because it is rendered as <span> elements instead of a normal table like IE/Firefox.

Implementing the CSS Control Adapters (http://www.asp.net/CssAdapters/) should resolve this and the menu will be rendered as a much more browser friendly unordered list (still need to test)

* I think it would be a good idea to implement the CSS Friendly Adapters in the next release as they improve the html generated by many of the standard asp.net controls.

2 - Order / Purchase Receipt emails do not show the order created on date. Instead they show "Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%"

Need to add the following code to NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.Messages.MessageManager

in the "ReplaceMessageTemplateTokens" method add:

tokens.Add("Order.CreatedOn", order.CreatedOn.ToString());

Just a quick question about the Paypal payment providers. Why is it necessary to have the store set to USD. Is the currency code not passed in the URL? I only need this to work for UK (GBP)


15 years ago

About currencies. It was a temporary solution because Paypal doesn't support all currencies.
15 years ago
retroviz wrote:
1 - Administration menu does not render correctly in Google Chrome or Safari. This is because it is rendered as <span> elements instead of a normal table like IE/Firefox.

Implementing the CSS Control Adapters (http://www.asp.net/CssAdapters/) should resolve this and the menu will be rendered as a much more browser friendly unordered list (still need to test)

* I think it would be a good idea to implement the CSS Friendly Adapters in the next release as they improve the html generated by many of the standard asp.net controls.

2 - Order / Purchase Receipt emails do not show the order created on date. Instead they show "Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%"

Need to add the following code to NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.Messages.MessageManager

in the "ReplaceMessageTemplateTokens" method add:

tokens.Add("Order.CreatedOn", order.CreatedOn.ToString());

Just a quick question about the Paypal payment providers. Why is it necessary to have the store set to USD. Is the currency code not passed in the URL? I only need this to work for UK (GBP)



i have tried the fix for Google Chrome! it worked. thanks

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