creating invoices for orders paid

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6 years ago

I'm a European user of nopcommerce, and I need a feature of creating invoices for my European clients. At the moment  I can only send "American invoices", which contain order number, date, billing info, shipping info. Most of these data are good for the European invoices, but some of the needed data is lacking to create a usable European invoice.

For example, we need to have a unique invoice number, which must increment without any numbers missing. With nopcommerce, it is possible that an order is canceled and then the order number is "lost". Therefor invoices can only be created when the order is complete.

These invoice numbers can have prefix and / or suffix, like for example "INV20170705001-ASS", where the number inside is auto increment.

Another needed info is the invoice date and expiration date.

I'm very sure this topic will also mentioned here before, since every European user has problems with this way of invoicing. So my appologies for the repeat of it, but I'm very sure that this integration could help to gain a lot of European users to work with Nopcommerce and not magento (which has the invoice and credit nota features).

I'm willing to help for the requirements of it.

kind regards,
6 years ago
You can already specify the invoice pattern in 3.90. And if you don't use redirection payment method, order number won't jump.


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