problem with /en in URL

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6 years ago

I'm trying to upgrade a client's site from 2.80 to 3.90.
The site running 2.80 had an issue when accessed without the www.
Every URL would automatically have /en appended onto it, but only when accessed without the www.
I thought this was just the localization setting for "SEO friendly URLs with multiple languages enabled"

The site was not working correctly anyway, so I just created a new 3.90 site and used the old database. I executed all the upgrade scripts over it and still the problem exists.

I can't even login to the new site because of this problem...

I looked in the database at the settings table using SSMS..these are my localization properties:

Why is the /en still being appended to my URL's if all settings are false? I have restarted the site in IIS a few times, touched the Global.asax, still the problem exists..

6 years ago
Nevermind...I finally got it to work, though I'm not sure how....
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