Delete product reviews on "ProductReview" table still leaves a review count.

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6 years ago
Hi all,
I accidentally deleted a few review from the database table "ProductReview" , when i go to the product page it still  shows the review count for some reason but when you click to see the review it doesn't populate.
I know i should have deleted them in the admin panel and that's a mistake that happened. Can someone please tell me where this review count comes from and how to remove it?

Thanks in advance
6 years ago
According to the ProductService.UpdateProductReviewTotals, you'll want to update Product.ApprovedRatingSum, Product.NotApprovedRatingSum, Product.ApprovedTotalReviews, and Product.NotApprovedTotalReviews.
6 years ago
It's manually counted every time reviews get added / deleted.

It's done so so that we don't need to recount the number of reviews every time we need it, which can be potential resource hog.

Which means that you need to manually update the related fields as well. :)

6 years ago
Thank you so much johntseng and wooncherk for your reply. Yes i did update the fields from the product table and it seems fine now.

Wooncherk - thank you for your newsletter on free ssl, saved me tiny bit of money :)

6 years ago
Welcome! :)
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