Checkout Button (paypal) in shopping cart?

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13 years ago
Can't you go directly from the shopping cart to paypal? I could do this in zencart, and it was one of the very few easy things they had going. lol
13 years ago

you could add this to


but read this post first
13 years ago
haydie wrote:

you could add this to


but read this post first

hi haydie- Thank you for the assistance!

For now I plan on going with free shipping so i would like to take the chance on this. You said add something to OrderSummary.ascx What do I add to it?

Thanks again!
13 years ago
try this:




<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="PaypalExpressButton" Src="~/Modules/PaypalExpressButton.ascx" %>

( normally at the top of the page )    then add :

<nopCommerce:PaypalExpressButton runat="server" ID="btnPaypalExpressButton"></nopCommerce:PaypalExpressButton>

to wherever you want the button to appear

see how it's implemented on


this is untested ...
13 years ago
It looks like an option, but think of the situation of a new customer. He is not added to your customers. It will be a guest and needs to type in billing information.

I just spend hours creating this as the customer expects. The customer clicks on checkout with paypal and after confirmation his paypal data is created in nop. Shipping is optional.
13 years ago
haydie wrote:
try this:




<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="PaypalExpressButton" Src="~/Modules/PaypalExpressButton.ascx" %>

( normally at the top of the page )    then add :

<nopCommerce:PaypalExpressButton runat="server" ID="btnPaypalExpressButton"></nopCommerce:PaypalExpressButton>

to wherever you want the button to appear

see how it's implemented on


It worked, thanks haydie! The paypal express button is right where I want it, problem is clicking takes me to the registration page. I was hoping it would take me straight to paypal checkout page from there. Is there a way?

That was how I had it in zen.
13 years ago
try using it while logged in as a registered user - also, try in admin selecting the setting 'Anonymous checkout allowed' (in global settings )

but take note of the comment by ajhvdb  ( above )
13 years ago
For some reason anonymous checkout is not working. It was earlier, it is checked to 'allow' but the checkout as guest button isn't showing in the registration box, and the paypal button takes me to registration when i click it. When logged in as admin it takes me to paypal page, but has no cart contents at all.

Thanks for all the help haydie. I appreciate it. I think for my current situation, this will be worth the toruble. However, I don't completely understand what ajhvdb is trying to tell me? Is he saying that they will have to come back to nop after  paypal to register??
13 years ago
Looks like the paypal button is actually working, but only if I'm signed in.

Is there anyway to remove the regular nop 'checkout' button?
13 years ago
The paypal checkout button is only usefull for new customers. They click on "checkout with paypal, login with paypal, press confirm with paypal, and press confirm on the webshop.

An existing customer has the same options after confirming the bill and ship address. So your solution now doesn't really add something. It only shows that button earlier.

Look to the addon i just created (and is working):

In this; New customers accounts are added in nop with paypal address information. When they return all history of previously created orders is still available.
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