international shipping

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Hace 14 años

i hope i havent missed something, i have search the forums but havent found anything directly related.  

i have setup a reasonable shipping calculation system to ship nationally about australia by order cost which relates closely to order weight.  however recently i have received a few orders for the US and my store has charged my shipping rate for australia where the real cost has been higher than the fee charged.

- what is the best way to change the calc for international shipping so it charges more, do i really have to specify a shipping cost for each country in the country list?  

and if so i have setup three shipping methods all of which are available in australia but only one of them available internationally.  when setting up the shipping method for countries other than australia i have tried specifying a cost for my internationally available method however all 3 are displayed with the other 2 of them showing $0.00 and can be selected.

a couple of suggestions if i may:  
- the shipping by country calculator have an option for "all other countries not specified"
- if a shipping method is setup but not specified in the calculation method, it shouldnt be available in the checkout (currently they show with a $0.00 value and can be selected)
- if a country is not specified in the shipping by country calculator, checkout should not allow the sale to go through for orders that ship to that address.  IE i specify shipping calcs for australia and US only so checkout doesnt allow sales that ship to UK.

thanks, hope i have made some sense here.

Hace 14 años
You have made perfect sense, as I am experiencing the same issue.  I set up 3 U.S. options with different rates, and one international option.  When a U.S. address is entered, all 4 shipping options appear, including the international option, with a rate of 0.00 that can be selected.  This option should not appear if it does not apply.  Also, when setting up rates by country & weight, I wasn't aware that the rate was per pound, so it's difficult to set a rate scale.
Hace 13 años
We are having a similar issue with USPS shipping. When we ship in the US it calculates fine but when we try to ship to Italy for example the rate comes up with $0.00.

I emailed through the contact form but they said to check the forum.  Doesn't appear to be any solution on the forum.  Any help would be appreciated.
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