Need Help: Upgrading nopCommerce from V 1.90 to V 2.30

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Hace 12 años
I am looking for the method, How to upgrade NopCommerce V 1.90 to V2.30 directly. Please assist me.
Kind Regards.

Hace 12 años
I just did it, go to and download the upgrade scripts for versions 2.0 to 2.3, every one of them.

The conversion from 1.9 to 2.0 is the biggest one, run it and make sure you don't have any restrictions in the DB size since it will duplicate data temporarily while it migrates all the tables from one scheme to another.

Run the upgrade script for 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, and with the DB in 2.3 now load the application solution so you can migrate your stylesheets and some of the markup, the amount of change depends on how much did you customize your actual version 1.9.
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