How to set the currency for indian rupees

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Hace 12 años
Correct way to display indian currency with Rs is "Rs. 500.00" or "Rs. 500" and not "Rs 500.00" or "Rs 500", I am not able to make this possible. Let me know if any one has idea how to go about this.
Hace 12 años
kakoli wrote:
Correct way to display indian currency with Rs is "Rs. 500.00" or "Rs. 500" and not "Rs 500.00" or "Rs 500", I am not able to make this possible. Let me know if any one has idea how to go about this.

You can use the formatting Rs\. ###,###.## it will do the trick. Thanks & credit to Infinity, for this trick.
Hace 12 años
Awesome, thanks so much :) much appriciated.
Hace 12 años
Thanks for the New Rupee's Symbols Javascript!!
It is what I was looking for!
Hace 9 años
Use Hi - IN and set currency format to  र ###,###.##
Hace 9 años
a.m. wrote:
Change your display locale to hi-IN (India)

I need to remove the 2 zeros from the Product list, but some of the money that is being used, remove the 2 zero applied only to one of them.
Hace 9 años
You can use Rs\. 0 if you want "Rs. 500" or Rs\. 0.00 if you want "Rs. 500.00" in "Custom formatting:"
Hace 8 años
Go to Admin >> Configuration >> Currencies
Now go to Edit setting, now setting below  

Currency Code: INR
Display Code:  English (India) en-IN
Tick:          Published

It worked for me.
Hace 6 años
We can add new currency in the admin panel

Configuration -> Currencies  

Then from the top-right corner you can add new currency.

You can find the detailed article here
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