Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)

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Hace 11 años
RedFoxUA wrote:
Hi Again.
I want ask you again about "What is the difference between Address and Shipping" ?
Why did you create separate pages for it?

there is a billing address
and shipping address
they can be equal, but they can be different.

Hace 11 años
RedFoxUA wrote:
Hi Again.
I want ask you again about "What is the difference between Address and Shipping" ?
Why did you create separate pages for it?

Please do not ask such questions here. This forum topic is about absolutely another stuff.
Hace 11 años
a.m. wrote:
...<span dir="rtl">...
It should be done using CSS only. RTL should not be hard-coded in HTML

Sorry, I forgot.
You can create a class and use display: inline-block;
Hace 11 años
Godji wrote:
...<span dir="rtl">...
It should be done using CSS only. RTL should not be hard-coded in HTML

Sorry, I forgot.
You can create a class and use display: inline-block;

No sure that I got you. Could you please provide the complete lists of changes (without wrapping only brackets by <span> in HTML)?
Hace 11 años
a.m. wrote:
... Could you please provide the complete lists of changes (without wrapping only brackets by <span> in HTML)?

add in styles.rtl.css

.block-bracket {
    display: inline-block;

in \Views\Checkout\OpcShippingMethods.cshtml line 15

<label for="shippingoption_@(i)">@shippingMethod.Name (@shippingMethod.Fee)</label>

replace with

<label for="shippingoption_@(i)">@shippingMethod.Name <span class="block-bracket">(@shippingMethod.Fee)</span></label>
Hace 11 años
Godji wrote:

Thanks a lot. Is it possible to achieve the same without placing brackets into separate <span>? Because there are a lot of other place where brackets are used. We should not wrap all places where brackets should be used. For example this product with brackets in its name (
Hace 11 años
I want to test it but can't find any language selection drop down on the demo site :-s
Hace 11 años
a.m. wrote:
...For example this product with brackets in its name (

Oh! my God!!!! It's a lot.

Today, Bidi don't like backet in English document.

use body {
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: embed;
} in css = not work.

use <html dir="rtl"> in head HTML = not work.
use &#x202B; or &#x200F; last bracket = not work.

Information more

I think it can work well in RTL Languages(not english).

Please wait for an answer from the other.
Hace 11 años
infiniti wrote:
I want to test it but can't find any language selection drop down on the demo site :-s

In the demo you find it on the right side above the menu bar with 2 options: English and "Any RTL Language"
Hace 11 años
Godji wrote:
Today I tested using the bootstrap.
I can not be completed in one day.

Download a sample at

Very nice! If I can ever get some free time, this would be done.
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