v2.7 on Arvixe => Error Catch-22...Please Help!

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Hace 11 años
I have deployed my site on Arvixe @ http://www.cyclogical.com.

When I click on products, I get the error below in bold. The catch is that I also get this same error when I try to log in as Admin. Any help is appreciated.

Active tax provider cannot be loaded. Please select at least one in admin area.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Nop.Core.NopException: Active tax provider cannot be loaded. Please select at least one in admin area.

Source Error:

Line 5:              @Html.Action("HeaderLinks", "Common")
Line 6:  @*          @Html.Action("SearchBox", "Catalog")    *@
Line 7:              @Html.Action("FlyoutShoppingCart", "ShoppingCart")
Line 8:          </div>
Line 9:          <div class="header-menu">

Source File: e:\HostingSpaces\lesmc\www.cyclogical.us\wwwroot\Themes\Cyclogical\Views\Shared\Header.cshtml    Line: 7
Hace 11 años
Solved. It turns out that Prepare.bat and Deploy.bat let me down. They omitted the file "InstalledPlugins.txt" from the "App_Data" folder. By manually uploading this file, the issue was resolved.
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