Where is Avatar stored in database?

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Hace 11 años
Where is avatar picture and reference to picture stored in database and/or file folders?
I would also like to increase size of avatar, allowing for a picture. Is there anyway to do that?

thank you.
Hace 11 años
You can change the avatar image size on: Admin > Configuration > Settings > Media Settings > 'Avatar image size'. The default value is 85.

You can change the maximum avatar file size via Admin > Configuration > Settings > All Settings (Advanced).
Select the funnel icon and enter customersettings.avatarmaximumsizebytes . The default value is 20000.

If you change the maximum avatar file size, you can change the account avatar upload info text "Avatar must be in GIF or JPEG format with the maximum size of 20 KB" by editing the locale string resource named account.avatar.uploadrules via Admin > Configuration > Languages > click 'View string resources' for your language > click funnel icon and enter account.avatar.uploadrules

Avatar image info is stored in the Picture table. The customer's AvatarPictureId is stored in GenericAttribute table.

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