How to show all products of the category? No page counter pagination needed.

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Hace 9 años
I have a category named — t-shirts. There are 200 products listed in it. When I go to this category I see only about 10 products, and at the bottom it has page pagination like previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | next.
I want all products on a category page.

How can I make it show all products on a category page?
Where can I set it?

Hace 9 años
zaf wrote:
I have a category named — t-shirts. There are 200 products listed in it. When I go to this category I see only about 10 products, and at the bottom it has page pagination like previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | next.
I want all products on a category page.

How can I make it show all products on a category page?
Where can I set it?


While adding/editing a category set Page Size options (comma separated):1000 You can set default values for new additions  in admin>configuration>settings>all settings the values for catalogsettings.defaultcategorypagesizeoptions
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