Shipping options not loading ever since upgrade to 1.6

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Hace 14 años
I'm not sure what is causing the error but ever since I upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6, I get an error message that says 'Shipping options could not be loaded' when I get to the checkout step that has me choose which shipping I want. My link is below:

Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Hace 14 años
I get the same error in 1.6
Hace 14 años
I ran into the same problem and found that the code had changed from 1.5 to 1.6 in the NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Shipping.Methods.USPS.GetShippingOptions method.  File is Shipping\Nop.Shipping.USPS\USPSComputationMethod.cs

The code that changed is near the bottom of the method.

In version 1.5 the line is:

if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(error) && shippingOptions.Count == 0)

and in version 1.6 the line has changed to:

if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))

To fix the problem, I changed the code to be like it was in 1.5 and recompiled the USPS project.

Another problem is that if you do get an error back from USPS you only get the generic message of "Shipping options could not be loaded" and not the message from the USPS response.  To get a better message in the System Log I added the following code after the ParseResponse method.

if (error.Length > 0)
    Audit.LogManager.InsertLog(Audit.LogTypeEnum.ShippingError, error, "USPS Shipping Error");

Then I can see what the real error was in the System Log.

Hope this helps.
Hace 14 años
I'm using the UPS shipping rate computation method so will this also fix the problem I'm having with the UPS shipping method?
Hace 14 años
Yes, it looks like it's the same problem with the UPS code too.
Hace 14 años
Yes, it's a critical bug that will be fixed as soon as possible
Hace 14 años
Yes the above workaround does fix the problem. Thanks!
Hace 14 años
Hace 14 años
I installed the patch to 1.6, and I'm using the USPS module.  All is working well.  

I did find an issue with shipping to GB, I get:

Invalid Country NameUSPS Help Context: 1000440.

From USPS.

So, some of the Country names must be bad.

Also, I wanted to log the full error.  I added a line to the nopCommerce.BuisnessLogic.Shipping.ShippingManager class.  One of the overloaded methods for GetShippingOptions had a hard coded line

error = "Shipping options could not be loaded.";

I put a line in to show the error:

error = "Shipping options could not be loaded." + " " + error;

Not the best solution, but it helps run down problems with shipping.  It would be better to just have a generic error that is shown to the end user that is driven by the localization data, and then log the error to the admin log.

I'll figure out how to properly log this as a bug (feature?).
Hace 12 años
in nopcommerce1.6
when i select fedex shipping method from admin. i have selected only one shipping method "fedex"
its shows "Shipping options could not be loaded" kindly tell me the solution step by step.....
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