Currency Conversion on line total rather than multiplying converted item price

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Hace 6 años

I have an issue with non-primary currency orders and the line totals.

I have an item which is GBP 2.25 and using a basic currency conversion rate of 1.25 to convert to euros that gives me an item price of 2.8125 Euros rounded to 2.81 this displays correctly on the shopping cart so all good so far

However If someone orders 36 of these (Not uncommon on the site) the line total shows 101.25 Euros but 36 x 2.81 = 101.16

After stepping through the code it seems that the line total is calculating in GBP i.e. 2.25 x 36 = 81 then doing the currency conversion on the amount:

81 x 1.25 = 101.25

But this is confusing to overseas customers as they will multiply the unit price (2.81) by 36 and get 101.16.

I have tried setting the Setting: RoundPricesDuringCalculation to true and false and neither had any effect.

Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated

The version of nopCommerce is 3.70


Hace 6 años
Has no-one encountered this issue before...?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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