Moving install to Azure Websites

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Hace 6 años
I want to start by saying I have 0 experience with NopCommerce. A client is wanting to host with us, and I'm trying to move it over to our Azure environment. I've gone into the Azure repo and selected NopCommerce, installed it (so it sets up the connection string) then I've dumped the SQL file using SQL Server Management Studio onto my server. Then I just dumped the files using FTP (but kept the Azure set connection string in tact.) However, when I do this, all I get is a 500 server error. I've turned on the error logs, but they aren't very verbose in telling me what's going on.

Are there folders I don't need to upload from the previous install? Where in the database is the URL set? What am I doing wrong? I feel like this should be straight forward, just drop the files, change the string but I'm running into problems. I was provided a bin and app_data folders, but since I'm just overwriting the Azure's repo install, I feel like I don't need those (I've tried it with both.) Is there some major step I'm missing?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hace 6 años
I think I just figured it out. It's basically what I did earlier, but instead of using Azure's repo for nopCommerce and dropping in files, just create a blank web app, upload the files, dump your database and change the string. Also you have to stop then restart your app, a recycle for whatever reason didn't seem to change the string on the fly.
Hace 6 años
Great... job well done.. just treat nopcommerce as a regular web application and deploy it on Azure
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