Stored Procedure in Nop Commerce

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Hace 6 años
how to call stored procedure in nop commerce . When i call stored procedure in nop commerce i get this error.
The entity type TopCategoriesMapping is not part of the model for the current context.
Hace 6 años
pccplayer411 wrote:
how to call stored procedure in nop commerce . When i call stored procedure in nop commerce i get this error.
The entity type TopCategoriesMapping is not part of the model for the current context.

  public virtual IPagedList<GetTopProduct> GetProductCategoriesByCategoryId(int categoryId,
             int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue)
            if (categoryId == 0)
                return new PagedList<GetTopProduct>(new List<GetTopProduct>(), pageIndex, pageSize);

            int totalCount = 0;
            var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
            pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryId";
            pCategoryIds.Value = categoryId;
            pCategoryIds.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
            pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
            pPageIndex.Value = pageIndex;
            pPageIndex.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
            pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
            pPageSize.Value = pageSize;
            pPageSize.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            var product = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<GetTopProduct>("GetProductByTopCategoryId", pCategoryIds,pPageIndex,pPageSize);
            //var query = from tcm in _topCategoriesMappingRepository.Table
            //            join p in _productRepo.Table on tcm.ProductId equals p.Id
            //            where tcm.TopCategoriesId == categoryId &&
            //                      !p.Deleted &&
            //                      (showHidden || p.Published)
            //            select tcm ;
            if (product != null && product.Count > 0)
                totalCount = product.ToList().FirstOrDefault().TotalCount;

            return new PagedList<GetTopProduct>(product, pageIndex, pageSize,totalCount);

Hace 6 años

Are you doing this code in plugin?

And did you added your custom class TopCategoriesMapping in Dependency file ? Like below code


Hace 6 años
Yup this code already apply at my Object Context but its also meet the same problem
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