Adding rewards points from external resources

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Hace 6 años
What would be the best route for being able to add reward points from external resources? We have a site that is responsible for collecting points for purchases on a user's credit card. We have a seperate application that figures up and collects the points for that user. I would like to integrate the points they collect into nopcommerce so that they can apply them to purchases in the store.

I had done something similar in a previous edition of nopcommerce, but a lot of the code base has changed since I last did that and I wanted to make sure I could find the path of least resistance to make this happen.
Hace 6 años
There are really no dependencies within the system, so you can simply connect to your database and insert the data directly into the RewardPointsHistory table from your external source.

You just need to insert these columns:
CustomerId - the customer's ID
Points - the number of points being inserted
PointsBalance - current points balance PLUS the new points being added
CreatedOnUtc - formatted as UTC
Message - reason for points added
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