Database Error - Images (and other resources) URL Error

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Hace 6 años

I have been struggling with this for a week now.

I have two clients with similar nopCommerce setups, which is as follows:

1) Both are running on my dedicated server (Win Server 2012 R2 / MS SQL Server 2014 / IIS 8.5)
2) Both are using nopCommerce 3.7
3) Both have the same theme - MyStore - each customized to client specifications
4) Each have a dedicated IP Address

Now both have been working fine since March this year. However, we wanted to switch both clients over to SSL, and I purchased a Rapid SSL certificate for each from GeoTrust.

I installed the two certificates on my server in the exact same way. I activated SSL in both instances of nopCommerce 3.7, and also activated the "Force SSL for all pages" setting for both. seems to work fine, showing that the SSL certificate is active and it has the "https" in front of all pages.

My problem is with

When I activated the SSL settings in nopCommerce, the site does not show any product images or slider images. I also noticed that some other resources are not working, like the default e-mail address. When you log into the admin panel and go to "Manage Products", all the images are not shown. If you edit one of the products, and go to "Pictures", you don't see the actual image, only record identifiers like "160" from the database.

When you view the site and right-click on one of the missing product images, and then select "Copy image address", you get the following as an example:



Note the double "". OK, so at first I thought the theme was corrupt. I switch the site to the deualt, un-edited, "Default clean" template, but the same problem persists.

I then figured maybe the SSL Certificate is corrupt or incorrectly signed. So I did a fresh, clean installation of nopCommerce 3.7 with sample data and had the domain point to the test folder on the server. I wanted to see if the certificate is ok. This installation worked perfectly with SSL activated.

So, by process of elimination, I can only assume somewhere in the nopCommerce SQL database, something is wrong or some record causes the double URL in all the links.

Does anyone have any suggestions. I did check that all the image files are correct and in the correct place. I also check server permissions. All is fine.

I'm out of ideas, please help! :)

Thank you
Hace 6 años
Just a quick follow-up,

I tried something else with

I did a fresh installation of nopCommerce 3.70. I added the https bindings to the new website. I then changed the database connection to point to the RumblinRose database.

So basically all the actual files in the web folder are the default nopCommerce 3.70 files, no custom themes, plugins or any additional files uploaded.

It picks up the database, and I can log into the admin panel, etc. But the exact same problem persists. When I check the image link to one of the products I get this:



Again, the double domain name in the URL. I can confirm with 99% certainty that the problem seems to be in the database.

Is there anywhere in the database where I can go and look for what is causing this problem.

And again, this ONLY happens when I activate SSL in the admin panel.

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