public static virtual methods and objects

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Hace 15 años
Maybe for some next releases it's a good idea to make some important methods in BLL and the top layer instead of public static methods
public static virtual methods.
In this case a developer can alter a method with public static override [methodtype] [methodname] without deleting the original method.
Or use some kind of event dispatcher so developers can hook into an method and decide what to do, continue the method like it should, fetch
the data if the method provides some and alter the data or completly rewrite the method and than let the method execute like it normally should.

so you could use something like this

foreach(Delegate handlesomething in this.EventHandlerDelegate.GetInvocationList())
Hace 15 años
Good idea! We'll try to implement this in nopCommerce v1.11 (not v1.10)
Hace 15 años

i understand that's not going to be implemented in 1.10 ;)
Very curious wich changes in code you've made in 1.10!
as soon as it's out i'll download it.
Hace 15 años
Look at this topic for more info -
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