what exactly will be included in web services API in 2.0 version ?

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Hace 13 años
Anrdei, could you please give some details regarding web services API ?
What exactly you are going to implement in web services in 2.0 version of nopCommerce ?
and how it is going to work ?
what will be the functionality ? and how it's going to work/function?

is there any beta code ready in the codeplex to download for testing purpose ? If no, are you going to make it available soon ?
Hace 13 años
We haven't thought about this functionality yet
Hace 13 años
Web Services API : workitem

is this schedule for 2.0 for sure or it is un-certain ?
Hace 13 años

could you please answer my few questions:

There is a website i worked on which is based on 1.4, it is quite difficult to update it as i customized it a lot...

now i want to implement webservices with nopCommerce 1.4version...

There is a special series of products for with i would like to integrate webservice with nopCommerce.

For this series of product i would like to create a category and in this category i would like to populate all the products that will be coming from webservices and all the product information will be pulled from webservices to the website, how to accomplish that ?

For rest of the product categories i want the normal procedure so i want to add the webservices only for a particular category, is it possible ? if yes, then how ?

As, many vendors and manufacturers of products offers webservices which i want to implement with nopCommerce based website by which products (and related information) will be updated automatically.

As you know the structure of complete nopCommerce1.4 project, please guide me in a right direction where to start from, what to do ? how to do ? things i need, etc....
Hace 13 años
abcd_12345 wrote:
is this schedule for 2.0 for sure or it is un-certain ?

Yes, it's planned for nopCommerce 2.0

abcd_12345 wrote:
now i want to implement webservices with nopCommerce 1.4version...

I can't answer it right now. This task is quite large and complex. It needs some time to investigate an implementation
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