Exact After 10 min ...nop 2.2 takes 25 to 30% of CPU usage continuously .......

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Il y a 12 ans
I'm using Nop 2.2 with same theme without any custom development....

When application is started..... it works perfectly... and at request time ..

but Problem is that...exact after 10 min ....suddenly it takes up to 25 to 30% of CPU usage continuously ....

Every time i restart my server it works nice for 1st 10 min....and after having same problem...

What could be the reason....???

Thank You...
Il y a 12 ans

Sorry for the double post - I posted this on another topic - it seems to have fixed one issue, but I still had a question - hopping this information might spawn some ideas:

I have not tested out 2.3 yet, but I was able to get my 2.1 and 2.2 running under control again (Not shooting to 100% CPU after 10/15 minutes) by commenting out the UpdateExchangeRates and DeleteGuestsTask Scheduled Tasks from the Web.Config file.

Here is my current code from Line 18-25 with the Scheduled Tasks Commented out.
      <!--run each 15 minutes: 60*15=900
      <Thread seconds="900">
        <task name="UpdateExchangeRates" type="Nop.Services.Directory.UpdateExchangeRateTask, Nop.Services" enabled="true" stopOnError="false" />
      <!--run each hour: 60*60=3600
      <Thread seconds="3600">
        <task name="DeleteGuestsTask" type="Nop.Services.Customers.DeleteGuestsTask, Nop.Services" enabled="true" stopOnError="false" olderThanMinutes="1440" />

For 2.1, I also added the browserCaps.config file from the 2.2 installation into the root directory of my 2.1 installation to help prevent guest records for each Search Engine Request.
And then added the following line of code to the 2.1 Web.Config file on line 60 (below the commented notes)

<browserCaps configSource="browserCaps.config"/>

The 2 sites have been running for nearly an hour now w/o the App Pools Locking.

Now - My question:
How do we delete guest records? I went into the admin area and tried to delete from SYSTEM > Maintenance and the system locked up again (which makes me even more sure that that Scheduled Task is the culprit). Are there specific permissions that we don't have set that allow these records to be cleaned up?
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