Partial Refund in PayPal Direct - 2.0

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Il y a 12 ans
Is this working in 2.0?  The button shows offline, but the modal opens with a refund option.  I looked at the plugin and see it returns false on the Partial Refund property.
Il y a 12 ans
So in nop 2.0 partial refunds are not in there.  This was an easy fix:

In the PayPalDirectPaymentProcessor.cs file, return true in the SupportPartiallyRefund method.

In the Refund method, I set a boolean at the beginning to capture if its a partial refund:

bool isPartialRefund = refundPaymentRequest.IsPartialRefund;

In the Refund method, where they set RefundType to RefundType.Full replace it with:

if (isPartialRefund)
                req.RefundTransactionRequest.RefundType = RefundType.Partial;
                BasicAmountType amt = new BasicAmountType();
                amt.Value = refundPaymentRequest.AmountToRefund.ToString();
                amt.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.USD;
                req.RefundTransactionRequest.Amount = amt;
                req.RefundTransactionRequest.RefundType = RefundType.Full;

In the Refund method, where they check for a Success response replace with:

if (Success)
                    if (isPartialRefund)
                        result.NewPaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.PartiallyRefunded;
                        result.NewPaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Refunded;
                    //cancelPaymentResult.RefundTransactionID = response.RefundTransactionID;
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