
From previous post's and help I have been able to set up my solution by launching on the local server to the login register page.  As we need the customer to have to login to there own account. Quick update :)

I have removed the cookies from the header page and created a log out link in the info box by using the following code! In the infobox.cshtml

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Logout", new { SystemName = "login" })">@T("Account.Logout")</a></li>

In the CustomerController.cs in #region Login / logout / register
I changed

//standard logout
                return this.RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");


//standard logout
                return this.RedirectToAction("login", "Home");

Works a charm?

Is there a way to add a time out and also how do I externalauthenitcate the search option and the homepage link in the header menu????????

All help highly regarded.
