Is there a way to block IP addresses, someone from Germany and HongKong tried to hack my store!

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Il y a 12 ans
As of this morning there have been many attempts to hack our store and all these showed up in the log.  These attempts tried to access pages like "/admin/config.php",  "/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1/index.php", thinking this is an PHP application of some sort.

From the IP addresses they are from the following areas,

"", the host is and country is Germany
"", the host is unknown but the country is HongKong

Note: We are just a small local flower shop in the US, we don't have any business from Germany or HongKong!  Has something like this happened to others?  And, is there a way to block IP addresses from accessing our store?  Or what should we do in this case to protect ourselves?

Thank you and I appreciate any comments on this!
Il y a 12 ans
That's pretty normal, actually.  They are just fishing to see if you are running an app that they probably have an exploit for.
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