How to set the currency for indian rupees

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Il y a 12 ans
EBS is ok..HDFC pmt gateways is costly don't you have you written any payment module for NopCommerce for it. If so why don't you contribute to it...I contributed CCAvenue ..have to rewrite again for 2.2 which is bit hectic for me due to busy schedule..
Il y a 12 ans
praneeth1984 wrote:

Did you got Indian Rupee new logo working with Nopcommerce? Any clue how to use it? I am also not getting rates displayed in correct format, after several trials & errors I finally get it displayed like Rs 1500, can you help me get it displayed like Rs. 1500 ?

Thank you in advance.

I did not do anything for it, but the weird thing is Rupee symbol shows on my desktop and it does not show on my laptop...I assumed it is the user local settings or server settings and quit..if it works for you let me know too..
Il y a 12 ans
jariwalakrunal wrote:
I am glad to see lot of Indians are also using Nopcommerce. Btw can you please tell me which are the other payment gateways you are using. I use ccavenue anybody tried other than this?

We are planning to use ebs and hdfc payment gateway.

EBS is ok..HDFC pmt gateways is costly don't you have you written any payment module for NopCommerce for it. If so why don't you contribute to it...I contributed CCAvenue ..have to rewrite again for 2.2 which is bit hectic for me due to busy schedule..
Il y a 12 ans
praneeth1984 wrote:

EBS is ok..HDFC pmt gateways is costly don't you have you written any payment module for NopCommerce for it. If so why don't you contribute to it...I contributed CCAvenue ..have to rewrite again for 2.2 which is bit hectic for me due to busy schedule..

Yes, we are planning for it., Once we develop plugin we will contribute it. Do you have any meaningful documentation on NopCommerce plugin development? I think there is very poor documentation on how to extend Nop Commerce. Can you please give me link for CCAvenue plugin, so we can look into it to have an idea. And did you worked with any Indian SMS Gateway for Nop Commerce? We are working on SMS Country to develop a plugin for Nop 2.2, but facing an issue. Can you help me in this?
Il y a 12 ans
jariwalakrunal wrote:

EBS is ok..HDFC pmt gateways is costly don't you have you written any payment module for NopCommerce for it. If so why don't you contribute to it...I contributed CCAvenue ..have to rewrite again for 2.2 which is bit hectic for me due to busy schedule..

Yes, we are planning for it., Once we develop plugin we will contribute it. Do you have any meaningful documentation on NopCommerce plugin development? I think there is very poor documentation on how to extend Nop Commerce. Can you please give me link for CCAvenue plugin, so we can look into it to have an idea. And did you worked with any Indian SMS Gateway for Nop Commerce? We are working on SMS Country to develop a plugin for Nop 2.2, but facing an issue. Can you help me in this?

Am glad that you are willing to contribute, I hope you are doing it for 2.2. Regarding CCAvenue please find the link You should be getting this module if you have NopCommerce 1.9 as well. I have not worked with any SMS Gateway though.

Regarding documentation I am really sorry I did not make any :(..I just go through some implementation and make it like that :)..

Let me know if you have any doubts I will try to help you too..

Il y a 12 ans
jariwalakrunal wrote:

Did you got Indian Rupee new logo working with Nopcommerce? Any clue how to use it? I am also not getting rates displayed in correct format, after several trials & errors I finally get it displayed like Rs 1500, can you help me get it displayed like Rs. 1500 ?

Thank you in advance.

jariwalakrunal you can use the formatting Rs\. ###,###.## it will do the trick.
Il y a 12 ans
infiniti wrote:

Did you got Indian Rupee new logo working with Nopcommerce? Any clue how to use it? I am also not getting rates displayed in correct format, after several trials & errors I finally get it displayed like Rs 1500, can you help me get it displayed like Rs. 1500 ?

Thank you in advance.

jariwalakrunal you can use the formatting Rs\. ###,###.## it will do the trick.

Thank you, I finally got it working. Thanks a lot.
Il y a 12 ans
jariwalakrunal wrote:

Did you got Indian Rupee new logo working with Nopcommerce? Any clue how to use it? I am also not getting rates displayed in correct format, after several trials & errors I finally get it displayed like Rs 1500, can you help me get it displayed like Rs. 1500 ?

Thank you in advance.

jariwalakrunal you can use the formatting Rs\. ###,###.## it will do the trick.

Thank you, I finally got it working. Thanks a lot. works awesome...thanks a ton jariwalakrunal..
Il y a 12 ans
Yes, it works awesome, thanks to infiniti.
Il y a 12 ans
infiniti wrote:

Did you got Indian Rupee new logo working with Nopcommerce? Any clue how to use it? I am also not getting rates displayed in correct format, after several trials & errors I finally get it displayed like Rs 1500, can you help me get it displayed like Rs. 1500 ?

Thank you in advance.

jariwalakrunal you can use the formatting Rs\. ###,###.## it will do the trick.

Thanks infiniti :)
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