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Il y a 11 ans
is there a report in the system that shows which product all user subscribded ?
Il y a 11 ans
pint12 wrote:
is there a report in the system that shows which product all user subscribded ?

Not out of the box
Il y a 11 ans
Then if a store owner wants to figure out what products need to be ordered from the manufacter, to accomadate Back In Stock subscriptions, how does he/she do this without the ability to view a report?  

Alternatively, can we receive an email notifaction at the time a customer subscribes?

I realize most store owners simply restock ALL low/out of stock items from the manufacturer, but I don't.  I would like to utilize this feature to let me know what products customers are interested in.

Are there any plugins you know of that provide the ability to view Back In Stock subscriptions?

Il y a 11 ans
[u][/u]i have created a custom SQL
that sends me once a week an email
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