Deploy.bat error

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Il y a 11 ans
Since upgrading to 2.70 I'm getting this error with deploy.bat. Can anyone help?


       "Visual Studio 2012\Projects\nopCommerce_2.70
       _Source\build\nop.proj" (Deploy target) (1) ->
       "Visual Studio 2012\Projects\nopCommerce_2.70
       _Source\NopCommerce.sln" (default target) (2) ->
       "Visual Studio 2012\Projects\nopCommerce_2.70
       _Source\Libraries\Nop.Services\Nop.Services.csproj" (default target) (3)
       (GenerateSerializationAssemblies target) ->
         SGEN : error : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///Visual Studio 2012\Projects\nopCommerce_2.70_Source\package
       s\Autofac.\lib\NET40\Autofac.Configuration.dll' or one of its d
       ependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013
       1515) [Visual Studio 2012\Projects\nopCommerc
Il y a 11 ans
I got this error when I was missing some required components. Do you have VS Express Web installed?
Il y a 11 ans
I am getting the same error when trying to deploy. Running Windows 7, .NET 4.5, SQL Server 2008
I am able to build the solution okay using Visual Studio but see this error when running the Prepare.bat
Il y a 11 ans
the dll is locked

browse to the dll file
right click on it -> properties
press unlock

run the deploy again
u may have some other dll's locked just follow the above for all

hope i helped
Il y a 11 ans
hezyz wrote:
the dll is locked
browse to the dll file
right click on it -> properties
press unlock

run the deploy again
u may have some other dll's locked just follow the above for all

You're better off to unblock the downloaded .zip file before you extract it.  Otherwise you may be doing it for multiple files individually.
Il y a 11 ans
hezyz wrote:
the dll is locked

browse to the dll file
right click on it -> properties
press unlock

run the deploy again
u may have some other dll's locked just follow the above for all

hope i helped

Thanks hezyz. You were correct some of the dlls in the packages directory were locked. Thanks for the help!

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