Getting a Server Error after adding category (v2.8)

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Il y a 11 ans
Hello, I am fairly new to .aspx and new to nopCommerce. I am getting a Server Error after adding a category to my database using the Admin dashboard. I opted to have the new category appear on the home page and when I try the new link I get this error:

Line 102:                    decimal? from = null;
Line 103:                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromTo[0]) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromTo[0].Trim()))
Line 104:                        from = decimal.Parse(fromTo[0].Trim(), new CultureInfo("en-US"));
Line 105:
Line 106:                    decimal? to = null;

Nop.Web\Models\Catalog\CatalogPagingFilteringModel.cs    Line: 104

This only happens with my newly added link. Any assistance in sorting this out would be much appreciated!

Il y a 11 ans
The error is likely caused by an incorrectly formatted price range string. The 'help hint' on the 'Price ranges' field on the admin category details (edit) page explains how the field should be formatted:

Define the price ranges for the store price range filter. Separate ranges with a semicolon e.g. '0-199;200-300;301-;' (301- means 301 and over)

Il y a 11 ans
Thanks for your response,

hmm... weird. When I leave the field blank my new category works fine but when I put anything in that field, including copying and pasting the eg. you provided I get the error.

Now that i think about it... This is a new parent category with nothing in it yet, that's probably the issue. I'll add some stuff and see what happens.

Thanks again
Il y a 11 ans
Just tested it out with success. Silly me.
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