Adding options to previously purchased items

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Il y a 11 ans
Hello all,

I'm quite new to nopCommerce and I would like to know, if it's possible to purchase an option to a previously bought product.

For example, let's say we sell a computer. This computer has certain options to purchase available. After the customer purchased the computer, he likes to add one option afterwards (additional RAM for his machine).

Is it now possible for the customer to revisit his previously made purchase and can now select an option (e.g. additional memory chips) to purchase?

Kind regards,
Marco Heine
Il y a 11 ans
cariarer wrote:
Hello all,

I'm quite new to nopCommerce and I would like to know, if it's possible to purchase an option to a previously bought product.

For example, let's say we sell a computer. This computer has certain options to purchase available. After the customer purchased the computer, he likes to add one option afterwards (additional RAM for his machine).

Is it now possible for the customer to revisit his previously made purchase and can now select an option (e.g. additional memory chips) to purchase?

Kind regards,
Marco Heine

The easiest would be to use the "related products" feature as "options"
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