New more user friendly product/variants logic. Let's discuss

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Il y a 10 ans
zaborrr wrote:
What must happened if i'll select "Simple Product Template" for the grouped product?

Your product type should be the same as your template. So if you have a grouped product type, then also choose a grouped product template
Il y a 10 ans
Today I tested the latest build.

I don't understand how to use the new "attribute value type".

It just makes sense to use this feature with a grouped product with the template for single product and associated simple products via attributes.

For example: There is a t-shirt in 2 colors: red and green. Now I create three products: one grouped product and two simple products for the colours. Now I create the product attribute color (for the grouped product), insert the named colors as values and associate the with the simple products. I choose the template simple product for the group product.

If I choose the attribute value "green" and try to put the product to the cart, I get the following error: "Only simple products could be added to the cart".

What is wrong?
Il y a 10 ans
Can someone explain to me what good it does to have SKU's and GTIN's per Attribute combination when we have no way to report on it?  How am I supposed to have orders sent to fulfillment when the people picking the product in the warehouse can't see this information.

I'm not saying we need to get rid of the feature...What I'm saying is that all exports and reports should show the GTIN/SKU on them.  I don't even see a way to get this information out of the database (since the order details table only logs the product variant id).

Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks In Advance,

Il y a 10 ans
Traymond wrote:
Can someone explain to me what good it does to have SKU's and GTIN's per Attribute combination when we have no way to report on it?

Everything works fine. Just ensure that your "manage inventory" is set to "Track inventory by product attributes", enable "Show SKU" catalog setting and configure your combinations. You'll see appropriate SKUs.

P.S. Please create a new forum topic for each new question not related to the original forum topic post
Il y a 10 ans

   I'm back to work on the Kits/Bundles fork. I got things working where you can create a kit/bundle, display it, modify it, add it to cart and place an order. More to do to get it ready for release but then I found this thread and see you've done some new stuff around bundles.

   It seems the approach in my fork is a bit different but compatible and a bit more flexible, especially in modifying prices. I'd like to discuss what approach to take as I want to finish this work up and move toward an implementation of NOP.

   At this time my punch list is:

   Admin Area
      - Add item search for adding products to kit/bundle
      - Display orders with kits in a "grouped" mode
      - Add/Edit packing lists, or pick lists to reflect a kit

   Public Store
      - Modify cart to display a kit in a grouped mode
      - Modify cart to only allow a kit to have quantity changed or be removed, kit items cannot be modified once added to cart.
      - Modify kit when displayed in lists so it cannot be added to cart without coming to the product page
      - Modify product page to support products with attributes, so a sized item will prompt or show options to ensure a user can specify the right product.

   I really want to work with you to create a feature that meets my needs, is congruent with your vision and will make NOP an even better platform.

Il y a 10 ans
ckoch1979 wrote:
Today I tested the latest build.

I don't understand how to use the new "attribute value type".

It just makes sense to use this feature with a grouped product with the template for single product and associated simple products via attributes.

For example: There is a t-shirt in 2 colors: red and green. Now I create three products: one grouped product and two simple products for the colours. Now I create the product attribute color (for the grouped product), insert the named colors as values and associate the with the simple products. I choose the template simple product for the group product.

If I choose the attribute value "green" and try to put the product to the cart, I get the following error: "Only simple products could be added to the cart".

What is wrong?

An anwer to my question would be great.
Il y a 10 ans
montanehamilton wrote:

   I'm back to work on the Kits/Bundles fork. I got things working where you can create a kit/bundle, display it, modify it, add it to cart and place an order. More to do to get it ready for release but then I found this thread and see you've done some new stuff around bundles.

   It seems the approach in my fork is a bit different but compatible and a bit more flexible, especially in modifying prices. I'd like to discuss what approach to take as I want to finish this work up and move toward an implementation of NOP.

   At this time my punch list is:

   Admin Area
      - Add item search for adding products to kit/bundle
      - Display orders with kits in a "grouped" mode
      - Add/Edit packing lists, or pick lists to reflect a kit

   Public Store
      - Modify cart to display a kit in a grouped mode
      - Modify cart to only allow a kit to have quantity changed or be removed, kit items cannot be modified once added to cart.
      - Modify kit when displayed in lists so it cannot be added to cart without coming to the product page
      - Modify product page to support products with attributes, so a sized item will prompt or show options to ensure a user can specify the right product.

   I really want to work with you to create a feature that meets my needs, is congruent with your vision and will make NOP an even better platform.


Hi Montane,

Thanks a lot for contribution. I've been watching your fork before started working on the official bundle support. Right, it's implemented a bit another way. But I think that the official implementation is much easier (development and support) and better suits needs of most of the stores (already discussed cons and pros in this topic before). Of course, some store owners will prefer your implementation. But the default implementation won't be changed. So you'll have to customize the solution if it doesn't fit your needs. The same case as we added the multi-store and multi-vendor support in 3.00. Not everybody liked that implentation. it's just not possible to fit everybody needs.

Anyway again thanks a lot for your contribution.

UPDATE 1: I've seen several posts where people don't want to display product attributes to a customer and want to see a fixed pack of products. OK, there's no any issue. Do it the following way (will take a couple of hours to implement):
1. Create one "main" bundle product
2. Now create product attributes  for each of your associated products. Add them to this bundle product with "Dropdownlist" type and mark them as "required"
3. Add only one single "pre-selected" value to each of these attributes
4. Associate these values to appropriate products.
This way a pack is fixed because a customer cannot choose any new product attribute value in public store.
5. Now let's hide these dropdownlist attribute controls (there's no need to display them to a customer). Create a new product template ("ProductTemplate" table). This template (.cshtml file) will hide a "choose attributes" box (using CSS) and will display them as a text. This way a customer can see what is included but cannot changes anything.

UPDATE 2: Allowing customers to choose a quantity for each value. Already on the roadmap. Please vote here

UPDATE 3: Allowing a store owner to set a custom price for a bundle. Also already on the roadmap. Please vote here
Il y a 10 ans

   Thanks for the reply, I was hoping to fork and contribute not fork and stay out. The default implementation looks close but I'm struggling figure out how to use it to do what I need. Would much rather contribute the price modifications to what you've done but I have to play with the default feature more I guess to understand it for my situation...

   More playing less developing for a bit...

Il y a 10 ans
This reminds me of the infrastructure of the zNode eCommerce platform, you may want to check it out.
Il y a 10 ans
I have the following problem. I'm using the product attributes combination to show different images and make price adjustments based on colors. However, the image changes but the price adjustment does not affect the price of the product. Excellent work.
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