How customisable is the checkout process?

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Il y a 14 ans
Hi Guys,

I'm just playing around with nopCommerce right now and was wondering how much scope there is for customising the checkout process.  

I've looked at the standard process as well as the 1-page checkout option but really would like to have something as slick as they do on  Is this possible or am I hardcoded into choosing one of the 2 existing options?

Thanks in advance

Sam : )
Il y a 14 ans
samaspin wrote:
Hi Guys,

I'm just playing around with nopCommerce right now and was wondering how much scope there is for customising the checkout process.  

I've looked at the standard process as well as the 1-page checkout option but really would like to have something as slick as they do on  Is this possible or am I hardcoded into choosing one of the 2 existing options?

Thanks in advance

Sam : )

Hello sam, welcome to nopCommerce community

I just saw the website you posted, I don't see much changes in the checkout process of, it's pretty much same rather than shipping / billing address / payment option on same page in (same thing you're getting on 1-page-checkout nopCommerce it's just that it is being displayed one by one)

But still if you want to modify the checkout process nopCommerce project is just not limited with default features, If you are able to do some coding, you can modify the checkout process in any way as you wish.

Hope it helps...
Il y a 14 ans
Thanks for the info Mike.  Glad I'll be able to make things just the way I want them!

Sam : )
Il y a 12 ans
Hello Sam,

I am looking for same type of checkout process, can you please guide me if you able to custom code.

With Regards
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