Ship by weight includes Free delivery products in weight calculation

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Il y a 6 ans
Or maybe i'm missing something?


product 1 - free shipping
product 2 - not free shipping

product 1 in cart only, shipping option is zero

product 1 & product 2 in cart, the shipping method is using the weight of product 1 and product 2 (wrong).
Il y a 6 ans
Not sure which version you are using. But I can see that in 3.90, it's excluding free shipping item when calculating  weight. :)

Il y a 6 ans
wooncherk wrote:
Not sure which version you are using. But I can see that in 3.90, it's excluding free shipping item when calculating  weight. :)

Thanks, v3.90, where are you seeing this?
Il y a 6 ans

Il y a 6 ans
wooncherk wrote:

Thats fixed weight, i'm using Ship By Weight
Il y a 6 ans
FixedOrByWeight...didn't see that
Il y a 6 ans
As far as I know, in 3.90, both are merged into a single plugin. Unless you are upgrading your own from and old version of the plugin.
Il y a 6 ans
The ByWeight shipping plugin has this code...

//check whether all shopping cart items are marked as free shipping
            bool allItemsAreFreeShipping = true;
            foreach (var sc in cart)
                if (sc.IsShipEnabled && !sc.IsFreeShipping)
                    allItemsAreFreeShipping = false;

So appears to only apply free shipping if 1) customer is in role or 2) all items are free shipping
Il y a 6 ans
The ByWeight shipping plugin has this code...

//check whether all shopping cart items are marked as free shipping
            bool allItemsAreFreeShipping = true;
            foreach (var sc in cart)
                if (sc.IsShipEnabled && !sc.IsFreeShipping)
                    allItemsAreFreeShipping = false;

So appears to only apply free shipping if 1) customer is in role or 2) all items are free shipping
Il y a 6 ans
wooncherk wrote:
As far as I know, in 3.90, both are merged into a single plugin. Unless you are upgrading your own from and old version of the plugin.

I don't see this plugin unfortunately.
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