OPTIMIZATION : why LanguageManager.GetAllLanguages(false) is called even if it is not used?

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Il y a 13 ans
Look at this example :  

      public Language WorkingLanguage
                var customer = NopContext.Current.User;

                var publishedLanguages = LanguageManager.GetAllLanguages(false); // !!! Called here !!!

                if (customer != null)
                    var customerLanguage = customer.Language;
                    if (customerLanguage != null && customerLanguage.Published)
                        return customerLanguage;
                else if (CommonHelper.GetCookieInt("Nop.CustomerLanguage") > 0)
                    var customerLanguage = LanguageManager.GetLanguageById(CommonHelper.GetCookieInt("Nop.CustomerLanguage"));
                    if (customerLanguage != null)
                        if (customerLanguage != null && customerLanguage.Published)
                            return customerLanguage;

                // !!! Should be called here ? !!!

                foreach (var _language in publishedLanguages) // !!! Rarely used here !!!
                    return _language;

                throw new NopException("Languages could not be loaded");
Il y a 13 ans

You're absolutely right. Thanks for info
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