Thumb path and product page url

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Il y a 13 ans
I forgot to mention that I uploaded that website before implementing part of the code I posted as the final code. Now when you update the carousel, it also update the tooltip and the url of the product thanks to your help.

Il y a 13 ans
looks REALLY good !

cubanoemg wrote:
The only problem that I'm facing is that If I go to Used Cars for example the flash movie doesn't show.

is it becuase you used

cubanoemg wrote:
                    string image = "../images/thumbs/" + num;
                    string url = SEOHelper.GetProductUrl(ProductId);
                    string target = "_self";
                    string ccData= product.ShortDescription.Substring(0,15);


try :
string image = "~/images/thumbs/" + num;
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