very strange error - please help

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12 anni tempo fa

i have installed nopcommerce 2.20 on godaddy server.  Main page works fine but when i navigate to any category page a strange list of charachers appear

please check following url

can any one please suggest me what this cause and how to fix it

please note that this website works perfactly fine on local. but when i upload it to Godaddy server it behaving like that.

12 anni tempo fa
I think this has something to do with permissions and allowing you to save files to disk on your server. The stack trace on the error ended with:

System.Drawing.Image.Save(String filename, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams) +463678

Which says that there was some sort of error when attempting to save.
12 anni tempo fa
This link might help.
12 anni tempo fa
Just Curious,
But I am having the hardest time installing anything past 1.9 on godaddy, can you give me any details how to install 2.2. Looking for step by step instructions if posible.

Update, figured it out, cant use my root due to the fact that I cant chang my permissions on it, so just created a subdirectory and a welcome.html redirect to the sudirectory, worked like a champ.
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