Don't empty Shopping Cart on Checkout confirmation

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14 anni tempo fa
Hi all!

I have notice that, when I confirm my order (in the CheckoutConfirm.aspx page), the shopping cart is automatically emptied. However, if I'm redirected to a payment gateway, I would like to empty the cart only when I'm sure the payment has been successfully completed. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.
14 anni tempo fa
Yes I think this would be good as an option. Do you use CheckoutOnepage.aspx in V1.5

This is the difference between the way the different payment gateways work it seems. In the AuthoriseCapture type like eWay (not sure could not see that type of gateway fully working) but I could not get to the Confirm unless the order was paid and so this problem not arise.

With the Post to website payment gateways if you buy something and then confirm and go to the payment page but there is a problem / website crash and you cant pay then the order is all ready pending and so as the customer, unless i'm mistaken then there is no way for me to fix and make that payment now.

For instance, just for a test I place an order for community sponsorship on the Nop page.

Order Number: 4690    
Order Status: Pending
Order Date: 4/14/2010 8:31:27 PM
Order Total: $10.00  

Woops ! the website call crashed and I did not get to enter my payment details. I can't see a way as the customer to try and remake the payment. I assume it's up the shop owner to work out what happened maybe send an email. For the customer if they still want to buy they have to go through the whole order process again. Maybe failing again and then giving up rather than selecting another payment method.

Maybe you could send it to the remote payment gateway after you have selected the payment option and before the confirm make it part of the Payment Module. Then effectively the call back to the website routine is to the confirm page in which it verifies the return from the provider and displays appropriate message. Either Success or failure with reason / code.

So your still in the CheckoutOnepage.aspx stream of routines just like if you were paying by one of the other methods. Maybe the WorldPayRetunr.aspx or whatever you use routine should be part of the Payment Module just a different type of Capture.

So while still in the shopping cart process the purchaser then has the option to either try payment again or select a different payment method as they some times do and your still in the CheckoutOnepage.aspx stream and before confirm so no problem.

Would this work ?

PS I’ve been developing a payment gateway see

P.S Still not sure how I go about paying that $10 bucks I owe nop !!!!

14 anni tempo fa
I'm sorry, but perhaps I haven't explained my problem in the right manner. The situation is this: I put some articles in my shopping cart, then I decide to checkout. So, I go through the wizard, viewing the page CheckoutShippingAddress.aspx, CheckoutBillingAddress.aspx, ..., till CheckoutConfirm.aspx, where I must press the "Confirm" button to confirm my order.

If, previously, I have selected a payment type that uses an external gateway, in this moment I'm redirected to a page that is not part of NopCommerce site. If now I try to return to NopCommerce, even if I haven't effectively paid the order, my shopping cart is emptied. What I'm tring to to do is to empty the shopping cart only when the external gateway notifies me that the payment has been made.

I hope that, now, the situation is much clear.
Thanks again.
14 anni tempo fa
Hiya yes I understood the first time. It can't be done straight out of the box. Needs changes and not sure if what I was suggesting is possible. Maybe someone from the team can comment on possibilities ?
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