Very slow response

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14 anni tempo fa
My web site powered by Nop is hosted at but it is very slow from Korea.

Discountasp support guy claimed that can't do much because of trans pacific (btn Korea and USA) cable or connection issue.

An engineer from my ISP provider said there is some thing wrong with the hosting end possiblely web site as well. Its own web site and other american sites such as yahoo, etc don't have any latency issues except for my site as a result of investigatigation by the engineer.

Does the Nop commerce web site  have a good response time normally? Every site runs ok except my one then my site could have something wrong.

I have just halted the plan to make the site live. I don't know what to do next now. anyone have a web site hosted I want to try your site from Korea as well if you don't mind.

Thank you...
14 anni tempo fa
You check our site hosted at disc.

No speed issues.
14 anni tempo fa
Try PingDom
14 anni tempo fa
I tried to go to and I got this error message:

Failure To Connect To Web Server

I had slow response issues as well and what I did was remove a lot of the features from nopCommerce so there was not as much load time.  For example, there was a lot of text I put into the HTML that nopCommerce queries the database for that can be put into the HTML.  Try going through and examining all the modules that you do not need that are loading in the background and comment them out and test the application for response time.

Another thing to look at is that if you are hosted in a shared environment then you are sharing system resources with everyone else.  Including bandwidth, RAM, CPU proccessing, and Database processing.  One way to get exclusive access to system resources is to upgrade to VPS (Virtual Private Server), which is like renting your own computer from the web hosting service instead of renting shared space on a computer.
14 anni tempo fa
Must be on your end as site acces from here is OK.
14 anni tempo fa
I tried going to website again later and it worked.  Strange that it did not work the first time.
14 anni tempo fa
But my site works perfect from Australia. However the site is targeting Korean consumers in Korea. That's my delema.
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