Configuring Bank

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14 anni tempo fa

How do i configure the credit card or any other payment type with my bank, i'e the details of where i receive the money.

14 anni tempo fa
You can setup paypal account and connect paypal by your bank account, anyone who will shop on your website , that money will go to your paypal account that will be connected with your bank account, you can easily transfer funds from paypal to your bank account

paypal is the safest and secure way of shopping to people like to use paypal on websites.

Just to let you know : you can see whole list of payment methods here:

Go to admin section > Configuration > Payment > Payment Methods
14 anni tempo fa
Thanks for that, the other thing is even if i put a credit card number with no credit in it, the purchase request is still being processed

there is no screen showing the payment status like payment is declined or has gone through, everytime i get the same message order has been confirmed
14 anni tempo fa
well that's pretty obvious, website is a place for online shopping not a credit card machine that accepts or declines the credit card

But whenever there is any transaction with credit card, the order will be confirmed but order status will remain pending unless you as website admin go to admin section > sales > orders

the admin have to actually mark the order as Paid to complete the order, without it order will not be completed so don't worry about it

and it's obvious that you will only mark the order as paid when you will use the credit card number and you will get money from the credit card successfully and when you will mark the order as paid the user who purchases items from the website will get notification e-mail saying "your order has been completed"

if you don't mark the order as paid, the actual status of the order will remain Pending

Hope it helps

(Advise/Recommendation : always use testing or imaginary credit card numbers not actual credit card number for testing purpose your credit card might get charged if it has got some money / credit )
14 anni tempo fa
Excellent Stuff, Thanks

14 anni tempo fa
how can i activate the Payment Methods in the admin panel.
At the moment paypal , credit card and various other options which i would like to use are showing as not active
14 anni tempo fa
You might get confused with various credit card options

you wanna activate the normal credit card method right ? (like, Visa, mastercard, discover, american express etc)

Go to admin section > Configuration > Payment > Payment Method

For above mentioned credit card you have to activate first method that is "Manual Processing"

You will see this:

Manual Processing    Credit Card    1    True/False      Edit

Click on "Edit"

You will enter inside "Edit payment method" on this page see 8th Textbox that says " Active" Check mark the checkbox and SAVE

After saving see Manual Processing will be ACTIVE "With Right sign" that means ACTIVE
14 anni tempo fa
For paypal you have to decide which paypal method you wanna use :

paypal direct
paypal standard
paypal express

well i use paypal express (just to let you know)

in order to use/test paypal, you have to open a test account in paypal sandbox, that will give you some credentials like paypal API Key, account number etc

you will save those credentials in your paypal payment method in nopCommerce admin section

and when you decide to go live with your website , open a business account that will be connected with your bank account and you will save credentials of your business account in nopCommerce admin section and you will active paypal payment method

and your site will be ready to accept payment through paypal
14 anni tempo fa
Thanks , thats working fine now

at present i have got a pay pal premier account and i have got the api from paypal's site and added the details to nop commerce.

till the time i get a new account is it possible to receive payments into my premier account

14 anni tempo fa
i have never used premium account and getting payments into your account requires paypal Business account

But still you can test it, if you're website is live > create a product that costs like $1 and make the payment, if you're receiving the money in your account then i guess you can use it or if you're not receiving the payment then you gotta open a business acocunt.
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