Display Order issue

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12 年 前
If you create products, then add them to a category and set the display order for these products within that category the display order works fine when viewing them in that category. But if you add the same products to other categories and set the display order different for those categories the display order doesn't work when you view them in the other categories. The items always display in the order set in the first category they were added to. I need items to display differently depending on the category they're in.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there a way to make this work that I'm unaware of?
12 年 前
What nopCommerce version are you using?
12 年 前
version 2.1
12 年 前
Upgrade to the latest version. This issue was fixed in version 2.20.
12 年 前
OK, Thanks.
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