Add an html under construction page to a nopcommerce 2.3 site.

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12 年 前
I have installed 2.3 nopcommerce to a web server and then i wanted to add an under construction page. I created an index.html and an .htm page and placed them in the root folder. then i configured the web server to serve the index.html and the index.htm when someone types but it did not work for version 2.3

I have used previous versions of nopcommerce (.aspx) and followed the same practice and everything worked.

can you please help?

12 年 前
nikolaosk wrote:
I have installed 2.3 nopcommerce to a web server and then i wanted to add an under construction page. I created an index.html and an .htm page and placed them in the root folder. then i configured the web server to serve the index.html and the index.htm when someone types but it did not work for version 2.3

I have used previous versions of nopcommerce (.aspx) and followed the same practice and everything worked.

can you please help?


nopCommerce 2.x uses MVC which uses routing to determine which page to use. What if instead you modify the "StoreClosed.htm" file to look like your under construction page. Then through the administration section turn off the store so this page will always display to users.
12 年 前
I understand that because of mvc everything passes through a controller. yes i thought of that. to modify storeclosed.html. and then change the settings through the admin panel.

the problem is that at the same time i want to work on the site and i want to see changes when i make them. if i do what your propose i will not be able to see the changes when i make them. the site will be closed. right?
12 年 前
nikolaosk wrote:
I understand that because of mvc everything passes through a controller. yes i thought of that. to modify storeclosed.html. and then change the settings through the admin panel.

the problem is that at the same time i want to work on the site and i want to see changes when i make them. if i do what your propose i will not be able to see the changes when i make them. the site will be closed. right?

An admin can still view the store even when it is "Closed". This was in the 2.3 release.

One other thing I recommend is that you might consider doing development and changes locally and save yourself a significant amount of time.
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